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Electrical semiconductor characterization
Luminescence dating, research, dosimetry and more
Contamination monitor, beta-aerosol monitor, dose rate meter and more
the most sensitive TL/OSL reader
the most advanced TL/OSL reader
beta irradiator (90Sr/90Y) for exposure of myOSL dosimeter
most advanced OSL dosimetry reader
for routine TL dosimetry and dating
a PC controlled dosimetry device for CTA dosimeter readout
for checking irradiated food according to EN 13751:2009 standard
TL - OSL/PSL - Radioluminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR) - Neutron dosimetry - Food irriadiation - Clinical dosimetry
Luminescence spectroscopy - Spatially resolved luminescence - Time resolved luminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR)
OSL dating - IRSL dating - Radiofluorescence - ESR dating of quartz - Pulsing (mixed mineral samples)
Flint and heated rocks - Ceramics and pottery - Unheated rock surfaces - Tooth enamel and quartz grains - Sediment dating
User friendly operating software
LexEva is a newly released evaluation software developed for analysis in luminescence research and dating.
for routine TL dosimetry
Al2O3:C film OSLD can be measured with lexsyg smarts with a precision better than 1% over a 0.2 Gy–10 Gy dose range. Similarly good precision is achievable for other TLD and OSLD materials. The high precision allows application in medical dosimetry…
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March 23, 2021
Freiberg - Award-winning innovation: Freiberg Instruments GmbH from Freiberg (Saxony) has been awarded the TOP 100 seal for 2021. This is the 28th time that particularly innovative medium-sized companies are honored with this award.…
A new method was developed with Freiberg Instruments' lexsyg research luminescence reader for emergency dosimetry. The use of blue stimulated OSL with the dosimetric material Mg2SiO4:Tb (MSO) does not only allow the retrospective measurement of the…
Measurements with a Freiberg Instruments’ lexsygsmart TL/OSL reader build the backbone of a study which found the oldest archaeological site of the Central Aegean.
November 16, 2018
Freiberg Instruments today announced that it is doubling its production capacity via an addition to its headquarters building in Freiberg, Germany. The building addition will house not only an additional modern area for production…
Freiberg – October 10, 2014 – Freiberg Instruments GmbH is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed and passed the auditing requirements for ISO 9001:2008 and has been granted a certificate of registration effective October 10, 2014. …
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