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Electrical semiconductor characterization
Luminescence dating, research, dosimetry and more
Contamination monitor, beta-aerosol monitor, dose rate meter and more
the most sensitive TL/OSL reader
the most advanced TL/OSL reader
beta irradiator (90Sr/90Y) for exposure of myOSL dosimeter
most advanced OSL dosimetry reader
for routine TL dosimetry and dating
a PC controlled dosimetry device for CTA dosimeter readout
for checking irradiated food according to EN 13751:2009 standard
TL - OSL/PSL - Radioluminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR) - Neutron dosimetry - Food irriadiation - Clinical dosimetry
Luminescence spectroscopy - Spatially resolved luminescence - Time resolved luminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR)
OSL dating - IRSL dating - Radiofluorescence - ESR dating of quartz - Pulsing (mixed mineral samples)
Flint and heated rocks - Ceramics and pottery - Unheated rock surfaces - Tooth enamel and quartz grains - Sediment dating
User friendly operating software
LexEva is a newly released evaluation software developed for analysis in luminescence research and dating.
for routine TL dosimetry
myOSLraser (reader+eraser) is a compact OSL reader for dose measurements in combination with our passive OSL dosimeter called myOSL.
State-of-art components, modern design and a user-friendly operating interface provide an excellent performance. myOSLraser is designed to read the dose of each dosimeter without erasing the complete signal. Remaining dose signal can be used for a second readout. Additionally it is possible to erase the myOSL dosimeter directly after the dose measurement if a second readout is not required and to apply each myOSL dosimeter immediately for a next wearing period. myOSLraser (automatic) has an automatic feeder to process up to 200 myOSL dosimeter per loading.
Software: myOSLstudio
Contact us for more information.
TL/OSL reader
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