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Electrical semiconductor characterization
Luminescence dating, research, dosimetry and more
Contamination monitor, beta-aerosol monitor, dose rate meter and more
the most sensitive TL/OSL reader
the most advanced TL/OSL reader
beta irradiator (90Sr/90Y) for exposure of myOSL dosimeter
most advanced OSL dosimetry reader
for routine TL dosimetry and dating
a PC controlled dosimetry device for CTA dosimeter readout
for checking irradiated food according to EN 13751:2009 standard
TL - OSL/PSL - Radioluminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR) - Neutron dosimetry - Food irriadiation - Clinical dosimetry
Luminescence spectroscopy - Spatially resolved luminescence - Time resolved luminescence - Electron spin resonance (ESR)
OSL dating - IRSL dating - Radiofluorescence - ESR dating of quartz - Pulsing (mixed mineral samples)
Flint and heated rocks - Ceramics and pottery - Unheated rock surfaces - Tooth enamel and quartz grains - Sediment dating
User friendly operating software
LexEva is a newly released evaluation software developed for analysis in luminescence research and dating.
for routine TL dosimetry
for monochromatic sample irradiation or individually mixed for simulation of various bleaching conditions
power LED-array based light irradiator, fan-cooled
fully software controlled (power, irradiation time, mixing ratios - if applicable)
within a measurement sequence the settings can be varied
special optics for uniform irradiation power at the sample
bleaching is possible at elevated temperatures
LED-based bleaching/Solar simulation unit
wavelengths: 365 nm, 462 nm, 523 nm, 590 nm, 625nm, 850 nm
can be used for monochromatic sample irradiation or individually mixed for simulation of variousbleaching conditions
typical maximum optical power at the sample: UV 365 nm : 65 mW RGB A 462 nm : 140 mW, 523 nm : 35 mW, 590 nm : 50 mW, 625 nm : 85 mW; IR 850 nm: 170 mW
power regulation loop for each light channel
display of bleaching light spectrum
TL/OSL reader
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